Rumble Club Reviews

Rumble Club is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Apr 23, 2024

These types of games rarely do well with hardcore gamers, but they can sometimes reach mainstream success with casual gamers if they can get some good buzz on social media and streaming sites like Twitch. Personally, I don't see myself sticking with the game for the long haul, but then again, I'm not the target audience for it.

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May 21, 2024

Rumble Club feels like a natural evolution of streamer-oriented games, with quick matches, inoffensive styling, and no real skill requirement. Everything that makes it go down easy has the side effect of making it uninteresting, sadly, and its lack of distinct appeal is compounded by a number of sticking points that become apparent all too quickly. There's no reason that Rumble Club won't work within its intended context, but for anyone seeking it out with the expectation of a memorable experience, there are far better places to look.

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