Best single player COD campaign in years. Very fun, very fluid combat, greath graphics and mechanics and has good side characters. Definetely recommed it, play it on Gamepass when you have the chance.
Use the incantation on knight and the weapon inspect sword. Got it! Felt like a real Mort with a lot of this map’s objectives. I mean Geez! C’mon Zodiac signs. awesome
It feels they bare bones the development team and went AI....Well, AI ran this into the ground. Levels are poorly designed, support is poor, updates are bad and brake more than they fix, cheating is intolerable, servers are broke, chat bans are contradictory and hypocritical and again, cheating is intolerable.
Some of the worst maps in the history of call of duty in this game. Worst COD they have ever made.
Call of Duty has culminated in becoming a standard yearly event with the series alternating between Black Ops and the mainline Modern Warfare series. While some entries try to incorporate new ideas into each new game in the series, more obvious now than ever, it needs a long break and
2 player LAN co-op on 1 Playstation, woulda preferred 4 player. BIG game. Omni-movement is clunky, Bring back jetpacks.
Multiplayer only:
The multiplayer is a big step up from the previous titles. Its not fun on Xbox to go against 90% PC players, especially with the cracked movement update in this one. The gunplay is tight, the maps are kind of cramped and scattered as usual, wish there was more
This is one of the worst Black Ops games I have ever played lag issues, cheating., Identity politics, The characters are terrible. It seems they had half the DEVS, making this game or the devs were out to lunch making this game.
As always, is the same as previous titles but only worse. After black ops cold war, it went downhill. Really just more sweaty camo grind sim. Not really core like the original MW3, Black ops 2, Black ops. Not really worth my money and this free trial was a waste
This is the first COD I have played on Xbox X. I am loving it! I love the amount of weapons you can earn, the upgrades on them, the camos. I enjoy the winners circle! Good for them! And I'm excited when I get on there cause I'm not excellent
This is the first Call of Duty game I've played in over a decade, and I am very glad I did! The gunplay feels amazing, the level design was awesome, and the story was pretty good! I felt like I was playing out scenes in many of my favorite movies.
Fantastic campaign with lots of variety. Multiplayer is looks, plays, and feels great.
Really bad. This licence is dead. Normal mode is hardcore, you unlock weapon only in the battle pass
This explosive campaign is one of the most fun, intricate, diverse single player FPS games ever. It's just top notch from beginning to end. Huge set pieces, amazing gunplay, avenues to upgrade aspects without getting to deep and absolutely stunning graphics / performance. Don't miss out on this game, it's
Como um cod deve ser, pé no chão com uma campanha dedicada de verdade