Action Henk Reviews
Action Henk is enjoyable and challenging, of that there is no doubt. It isn't going to win any awards for visuals – despite looking good enough to get the job done – and we'd like to have seen the comedy brand placement from the initial playroom area be used more in the levels themselves. With that said, neither of these things is going to interrupt your entertainment and the enjoyment and exquisite frustration that the game provides is more than enough for it to get our recommendation. Good stuff.
Action Henk is an enjoyable little experience but it doesn't live up to the games that it clearly draws inspiration from.
Upon returning from grabbing lunch, I walked into my room to find it full of laughter. Apparently my wife and roommates had returned from work to find Action Henk still running on my TV, and decided to tackle multiplayer. It was obvious right off the bat that there were different skill levels between them, but great features in multiplayer kept the fun rolling, instead of leaving other players in losing ruts. Action Henk is clearly a game meant for fun, while still providing a challenge for the most seasoned runner gamer.
It's a level based runner game, where the goal is to beat times. The game offers ghosts but doesn't exactly teach the maneuvers needed to succeed in the game. Still, it's fun for a short time.