ETHER One Reviews

ETHER One is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2014

Ether One is a sobering and thoughtful journey filled with intrigue and contemplation, rounded out with well-crafted and optional puzzle sections. This isn't the kind of game which will appeal to everyone and if it's action you're after, I'd advise going elsewhere. However, if the prospect of experiencing a truly captivating story wrapped up in a exploration based puzzle game is an attractive one, then Ether One delivers and won't disappoint.

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8 / 10.0
May 11, 2015

Ether One is a mesmerizing experience that is bogged down by some questionable design choices and a general lack of direction. If you can see past these minor imperfections, you'll find that at its core lies a deep psychological study of the human brain, wrapped in a fantastic story that keeps you guessing throughout. It's a topic not common in your everyday AAA title, and for that it must be commended.

67 / 100
Apr 4, 2014

Leaves a lot to be desired, particularly in the gameplay department, but offers plenty of richly-detailed exploration and story for those prepared to do some serious digging.

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Jan 27, 2015

Ether One has built a world so close to our own, but given it a purpose and a life that makes every scrap of paper and ordinary item feel meaningful.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2015

Ether One is an experience that will keep you intrigued as well as pull on your heart strings.

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