Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Reviews
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 doesn’t deviate too much from its predecessor. It still features repetitive filler missions, unintuitive combat and only minor improvements and new features. It’s still a good game that will appease Dragon Ball fans, but it doesn’t ascend to become a stand out amongst the crowd.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 feels like a textbook example of a safe sequel. Gamers who enjoyed the previous title will definitely get a kick out of this one, thanks to the bigger and more detailed hub city, expanded character customization options and solid online servers. Newcomers to the franchise should probably skip the previous game, since DIMPS‘ latest production is better in every way.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is better than its predecessor in every way even if it brings along more of the same problems. Still it stands strong as the best in the series for the gameplay alone. The scenarios you'll find yourself in will be greatly entertaining and the amount of content here will last you for a very long time. Just understand that loading screens may play a small part in that. I can say with confidence if you're a DBZ fan, you should buy this game. Consequently, I'd even recommend it for those who just like action/fighting games in general. Let's just hope the post-launch support breathes additional life into this grand world."