
Opus Magnum

Zachtronics Industries
Dec 7, 2017 - PC
PC Gamer
91 / 100
9.5 / 10
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Opus Magnum, by Zachtronics

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Critic Reviews for Opus Magnum

A beautiful exercise in freeform solutions, Zachtronics has created one of the most satisfying puzzle games ever made.

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9.5 / 10.0
Tom Marks

Opus Magnum is a collection of brilliant puzzles that I want to endlessly replay and re-solve, subtly encouraging my creativity as I hunt for better solutions. It's also managed to create a community around itself, one that encourages both competition and collaboration while ensuring Opus Magnum has no shortage of new challenges even after I had my fill of its campaign. It feels one-of-a-kind, and is without a doubt one of the best puzzle games I've ever played.

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