So many things wrong here. Replays are simulations not replays at all. There is no actual way to keep hackers out of your games. The aim-assist is so thick you can taste it. If they did ban the hacker you reported you will never know if they got banned. Only
The game is good, but the community is terrible, the constant sweats, and the toxic 7-year-olds cussing me out while their parents don't even care, the matchmaking is not good at all, being put in a lobby with people 10 times better than you is infuriating
legit the most hacked and out of control game ever created and the developers dont give 2 craps about it as long as they can keep getting company backers and selling the most stupid, ugly skins that could possibly be made. they are nothing but greedy, unskilled people that dont
this is the most egregious, horrible, unplayable game i have ever experienced. everything is fine exept the movement. in this trash game you can mantle backflip over walls, wall run, and wall jump. there is just no point in building anymore if someone can mantle over your wall and shotgun
I can't play this game anymore ,full of lag and it's not fun anymore,i can't even get a win fu epic
Very fun game, good to spend with friends, has a competitive element, good for beginners. Tries to stay free to play. As a casual player this game really resonates with my play style.
super bad optimized, not even a 3090 could run it smoothly, even at the lowest graphics configuration posible, with all the streem assets pre downloaded, NVMe, 15% of gpu usage and 10% cpu usage, Epic your game is nice, but the bad optimization is next level, how is it posible
bad optimization, I play on gtx 1660 super, Ryzen 5 3600x, 16 gigs of RAM and it glitches as if I'm playing on a phone from 2000
they need to fix "pump" shotguns doing anything under 50 dmg if im seeing all 5 pellets hit the person im shooting at. it cant be a ping thing because i get 20 it cant be a frames thing because i get 240. the game is in its worse state.
Thanks to epic... I NEED TO DOWNLOAD 55 GB EVERY TIME I WANT TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS. Otherwise its way too many collabs but its still okay atp of time.
Hate that fortnite is 83 gigabites and each small update is 1 megabite
fix you anti cheat epic the game is very nice but you have all of those hackers fix it
This is genuinely the worst game on the market, In the last 2-5 weeks 70% of my matches I que into I die to someone using aimbot wall hacks or soft aim and epic does absolutely nothing about it, the amount of pure cheaters that casually play this game is
i shoot people and they dont take damage, fix your game instead of adding new things and doing usless collabs
I hope this game and the company behind it eventually fails because I genuinly despie this game. Loot boxs, Skinner box design in everything you do, the game is EXACTLY what I hate in modern gaming. I wish nothing but the worst for games like this.
The reason I play this