Dead Rising 3 Reviews

Dead Rising 3 is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 2, 2013

Dead Rising 3 is the essential Xbox One launch title: a rampant, ridiculous and riotous sandbox that delivers countless hours of unapologetic unrestrained fun. Rather than a pristine graphical showcase, it's a bountiful content-rich slaughter smorgasbord that encourages us to get our hands dirty in obscenely silly ways.

8 / 10
Nov 28, 2013

Despite the uninspired side missions, Dead Rising 3 is a highly accessible and enjoyable zombie maiming thrill ride.

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8.2 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2014

Besides some minor annoyances, Dead Rising 3 makes killing zombies a ton of fun with great quality and varied gameplay, awesome presentation, and tons of extra features, side quests, and collectables.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2013

In the real world, we consume a lot of media products that have to do with zombies, apocalypses and other virus outbreaks. You'd think Dead Rising 3 is an overload of this, but nothing could be further from the truth. Developer Capcom Vancouver has put in such a variety of zombies, fat weapons, and weird humor that Dead Rising 3 stays fresh. And that's quite an achievement, given all the blood and rancidity that shuffles past you.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

Dead Rising 3 was one of the Xbox One's most anticipated launch titles, but will it 'Rise' to the challenge or should the series have remained 'Dead' and buried?

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Top Critic
Nov 17, 2013

The graphics don't provide as much of a next-generation leap as we'd hoped, but the atmosphere and huge number of zombies more than make up for any other visual shortcomings. The weapon and vehicle customization options and the addition of Nightmare Mode give Dead Rising 3 the legs it needs to stay in constant rotation on your Xbox One.