Stardew Valley Regrets Helping Willy When They're Rewarded With The "Most Traumatic Cutscene"

Stardew Valley Regrets Helping Willy When They're Rewarded With The "Most Traumatic Cutscene"

From Screen Rant (Written by Samantha Giambra-Plaisance) on | OpenCritic

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Stardew Valley has quite a few memorable moments that warm fans' hearts and give deeper insight into the lore within the title, but some, such as a horrific sentient mass being brought to the forefront, seem to have traumatized one fan. When players complete the community board request "Juicy Bugs Wanted" for Willy the Fisherman, a very interesting cutscene plays showing the bug meat found, and it is the stuff of nightmares.

In a recent Reddit post by altonbrownfan, one specific cutscene from Stardew Valley appears to have traumatized them, as they believe giving the pink mass eyes and the ability to move was a bit over the top. Completing the request for 100 bug meat for Willy rewards players with the recipe for High-Quality Bobbers, but some wonder if it is worth doing after witnessing the aftermath of the special order.

Willy's special order for 100 bug meat is not the easiest of tasks, but it isn't very difficult either. When players first accept the request on the Community Board, the post simply reads, "Hey there, I'm looking for a big wad o' bug guts. The juicier the better... at least that's what the crabs seem to like......

See full article at Screen Rant