Rejected Marvel vs Capcom Fighter Revealed

Rejected Marvel vs Capcom Fighter Revealed

From Game Rant (Written by Trumann Tu) on | OpenCritic

Howard the Duck was considered for the roster of Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes before being rejected by Marvel Comics. The Marvel vs. Capcom series is an iconic crossover series. Capcom's partnership with Marvel started with 1995's X-Men: Children of the Atom, and then continued with Marvel Super Heroes. In 1996, X-Men vs. Street Fighter came out, which was the first true crossover between the two brands that kick-started the Marvel vs. Capcom series.

1998's Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes was the third entry in the series, which introduced a wide variety of new characters while maintaining its 2v2 tag gameplay. Iconic characters like Ryu, Mega Man, and Morrigan were representatives on Capcom's side, with Wolverine, Cyclops, and Spider-Man on Marvel's. In an old 1998 development essay by Capcom producer Kenji Kataoka, he revealed some of the initial plans for the title, including how Howard the Duck was rejected from the roster.

Seven years after its original release, the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite crossover fighting game is getting a major player count spike.

Archived and translated by EventHubs, this essay was part of a defunct website that gave...

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