PlayStation Fan Finds Old Letter from Sony

PlayStation Fan Finds Old Letter from Sony

From Game Rant (Written by Tyler Shipley) on | OpenCritic

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One PlayStation fan shared a nostalgic piece of their gaming past, uncovering an old letter from Sony they received as a kid. As one of the largest companies in the video game space, numerous PlayStation fans have sent messages to Sony about various issues over the years. However, this recently found letter amused many gamers online as it was a response to a rather unusual request regarding the Prince of Persia franchise.

Prince of Persia video games have been around for a long time, with the initial installment being released in 1989. Since then, the franchise created by Jordan Mechner has spanned decades and included games on various consoles, including Sony gaming systems. While many gamers enjoyed playing some of the classic installments in the series during their childhood years, one fan recently revealed they were not so lucky. As a result, they were spurred to write a letter to Sony.

A lucky PlayStation fan manages to get a hugely expensive prize for the cost of just one cheap raffle ticket, leaving others envious of their fortune.

Recently, the writer of that letter shared the official response they received from Sony back when they were a child. Known as kylez_bad_caverns...

See full article at Game Rant