One Stardew Valley player finds that their more rural farm look comes with the struggles of overgrowing weeds that break their design, asking how they can prevent their farm from being destroyed while keeping their desired farm's look. Players will find from starting the game that their farm is overrun and overgrown, but taming that isn't as hard as it appears. By cleaning everything back and removing any later patches of weeds when they show up, they won't be much of a problem down the line.
After finding their pathway had been destroyed by a new patch of weeds, the player Massive_Copy1090 turned to Reddit to plead for help. Wondering if their desired cozy farm look of tufts of grass throughout their paved stones was impacting the appearance of random weed patches, they quickly sought advice on how to fix the problem. Unfortunately, though, there isn't much that can be done, as these random weeds and their destruction are a guarantee for everyone.
In Stardew Valley players can expect random weeds to appear on their farm in any area that isn't already built upon, regardless of the farm type, meaning farms that aim for a more cottagecore aesthetic...