MMORPG Tibia Adding New Class After Nearly 30 Years

MMORPG Tibia Adding New Class After Nearly 30 Years

From Game Rant (Written by José V. Rossi) on | OpenCritic

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Classic MMORPG Tibia has announced the addition of a new class, The Monk, after nearly 30 years in the industry. CipSoft dropped a short video teasing Tibia’s new vocation, followed by a statement from the product manager providing insight into this unexpected addition to the classic MMORPG.

Tibia is one of the earliest and longest-running online MMORPGs still active today. Though it’s not as popular as others, Tibia belongs to the list of classic MMOs that still boast a significant player base, like World of Warcraft or RuneScape. The game focuses on exploration, combat, and social interaction, with the distinction of having no level cap, meaning players can progress indefinitely. When it was first released, Tibia featured only four classes (called “vocations”): Knight, Paladin, Druid, and Sorcerer. And since its 1997 release, it had never expanded its class options—until now.

Daily activities and quests are a staple in many MMORPGs, but not all of them manage to make the grind as fun as the following titles.

CipSoft has released a video teaser for the new class joining the free-to-play PC game Tibia after nearly 30 years: The Monk. The new class will feature its own fighting system along with...

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