Fortnite Fan Ranks All 2,000 Skins, Claims To "Have A Job"

Fortnite Fan Ranks All 2,000 Skins, Claims To "Have A Job"

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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I don't know about you, but when I open up a Tierlist and see that it has more than 20 items, I tab out. That's too much effort, I've got stuff to do. Not 'ol u/burritosupremium. They ranked over 2,000 Fortnite skins just for the hell of it.

I don't even know where to start. It's an indistinguishable mess of random faces and, frankly, I don't know that many skins. Nobody does. You'd have to live and breathe Fortnite for nearly a decade to piece this together. It's like the Enigma Code for zoomers.

From top to bottom, the Tierlist is split up into: 1,000 kisses, peam, I LOVE this skin, I like it :), it's cool, no strong opinion, not a fan, don't like, confusing, no redeeming qualitie, shadow freddy (?), it's not your fault, and YOU.

I can at least tell you that Hatsune Miku is at the top, and Brie Larson as The Paradigm is at the bottom (because they're disappointed she was just "a boring celebrity cameo"). Beyond that... have a look for yourself. Even scrolling through this thing is bound to take a chunk out of your day.

When asked how long it took to put this...

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