Destiny 2 Releases New Update for February 2025

Destiny 2 Releases New Update for February 2025

From Game Rant (Written by Raul Landaverde) on | OpenCritic

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Bungie has released Destiny 2 update on February 25 with several bug fixes to in-game activities like Trials of Osiris and the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, Exotic armor adjustments, and much more. The new Destiny 2 update arrived with the weekly reset, which brought refreshed content like a Nightfall strike, seasonal missions, challenges, and much more.

Destiny 2 Episode: Heresy launched on February 4 with a slew of new story content, weapons and gear, activities, and much more to explore in the game's evolving universe. Bungie has also continued to release a steady stream of updates to fix lingering bugs and, if necessary, implement balance adjustments to weapons and gear. In rare instances, Bungie may turn a glitch into a feature in Destiny 2, provided that it's helpful to the player and doesn't break other important features.

It may be time for Destiny 2 to replace one Season Pass reward with a better-suited option, especially before Frontiers.

Coinciding with the update's release on February 25, Bungie released patch notes for Destiny 2 update to detail what has been changed. Firstly, Bungie fixed an issue that caused Sigil Stones to drop faster than intended from defeated enemies in...

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