Mortal Kombat 1 Drops Hilarious Madam Bo Kameo Trailer

Mortal Kombat 1 Drops Hilarious Madam Bo Kameo Trailer

From The Outerhaven Productions (Written by Todd Black) on | OpenCritic

Mortal Kombat 1 is getting ready to drop the final DLC character in the Kombat Pack 2. However, with the arrival of the T-1000 comes one other character you should be aware of: Madam Bo. Specifically, she’s the last Kameo fighter of the pack, and as her trailer makes clear, you do NOT want to mess with this woman. She’s crazy, and she’ll kill you. We not only get to see her in action as a Kameo fighter, but also her connections with certain Kombatants like Kung  Lao. She’s apparently one of their teachers in this new version of reality, which means she can back up her own talk.

If you don’t believe us, check out the new trailer below and watch the brutal (yet hilarious) Fatality that she can perform:

See full article at The Outehaven