Pokemon GO Reveals New Pokemon Debuts for Upcoming Event

Pokemon GO Reveals New Pokemon Debuts for Upcoming Event

From Game Rant (Written by Diana Velásquez Vargas) on | OpenCritic

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Pokemon GO has announced the debut of Nickit and Thievul for the game's upcoming Deep Depths event. On March 4, Pokemon GO kicked off its 18th season, Might and Mastery.

An exciting chapter has begun for Pokemon GO as the game recently launched its Might and Mastery season, which will run until June 3. Developers have confirmed some important events happening during the season, including the debut of more Dynamax Legendaries in Pokemon GO like Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. More Pokemon are also expected to be added along with some Gigantamax debuts. Now, Niantic has confirmed the arrival of another Gen 8 monster in Pokemon GO.

A newly emerged Pokemon GO graphic appears to tease the upcoming debut of a Generation 7 Mythical with a desirable dual type.

Pokemon GO has announced its upcoming Deep Depths event​​​​​​, which will feature the debut of Nickit and its evolution Thievul. The event will begin on March 19 and last until March 24. During this period, Nickit can appear in the wild or be hatched from 7 km eggs while Thievul will require 50 Nickit candy to evolve. However, shiny Nickit won't be added to the game yet. On the other hand,...

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