Godzilla Invades Tabletops With Massive Figures, Bringing Back Memories Of A Classic 1980s Board Game

Godzilla Invades Tabletops With Massive Figures, Bringing Back Memories Of A Classic 1980s Board Game

From Screen Rant (Written by Christian Hoffer) on | OpenCritic

Games discussed:

A new Godzilla board game is on the way, with massive figures almost too big to fit on a table. The Godzilla franchise has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, thanks to the ongoing Legendary Monsterverse movies and the popularity of Godzilla Minus One. With new Godzilla movies on the way from both Legendary Pictures and Toho, we should be looking at a lot more Godzilla hitting the shelves soon.

Restoration Games, which specializes in revitalizing and updating long-dormant board games, has announced Battle Monsters, a new update to the 1990s board game Battle Masters. At GAMA Expo over the weekend, Restoration Games showed off an early version of the Kaiju figures for the game. Per ICv2, the game will feature Godzilla, Kong, King Ghidorah, and Mechagodzilla. We'll note that within the Monsterverse, Mechagodzilla is controlled using the remnants of King Ghidorah's head, so we're not sure how canon-accurate the game will be.

Battle Masters was a massive board game released in 1992 by Milton Bradley. The game was a classic miniatures skirmish game, with players maneuvering their armies across a massive 5-foot by 5-foot playmat. Because of the size of the playmat, most...

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