Overwatch 2 Clip Highlights How One Ana Perk Allows For Some Awesome Grenade Trickshots

Overwatch 2 Clip Highlights How One Ana Perk Allows For Some Awesome Grenade Trickshots

From Game Rant (Written by Jack Webster) on | OpenCritic

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The new perk system recently introduced to Overwatch 2 has given rise to various new gameplay techniques, and an extremely lucky clip demonstrates how one Ana perk can be used to pull off some awesome grenade trickshots with the character. Hero perks have been extremely popular among the Overwatch 2 community since they were introduced in the game's 15th season, and for good reason, too.

For fans who still haven't gotten a chance to jump into Overwatch 2 since Season 15 launched, hero perks essentially offer an upgrade system for heroes during the course of a match. Every hero in the game has four perks that are unique to them, which are split into two minor perks and two major perks. As players score kills and make progress in a match, they'll reach perk level two, where they can choose one of the two minor perks, and eventually perk level 3, where they can select their preferred major perk. Perk levels reset at the start of each game, or when players switch heroes. Perks generally add new functions to existing hero abilities, allowing Torbjorn to stick his turrets to walls, for instance, or even granting lifesteal to Genji's Dragonblade....