PlayStation is pretty strict when it comes to refunds. You can only make a request within 14 days if you haven't downloaded the game. But in extenuating circumstances, like Cyberpunk 2077's infamous launch, Sony tends to be more forgiving.
While Sid Meier's Civilization 7 doesn't have a dedicated refunds page, Sony does appear to be relaxing its policy for disgruntled players. u/Garuff claims that they were able to get a full refund after complaining about "constant crashes", attaching an alleged chat log with PlayStation support as proof (thanks, Push Square).
u/Garuff wasn't able to retrieve the entire conversation, but they summed up how it allegedly went in a follow-up comment.
"I'd like to request a refund for Civ 7 Founder's Edition," u/Garuff recalled. "I've tried the game, however, there are many issues, including the game crashing every 40 minutes, UI issues, and bugs. I've waited to see if a patch would get released to resolve these issues. A patch has been released, however, the issues persist.
"I've spoken to the game's developer, who have been unhelpful with trying to resolve the issues, and [I] have [been] advised to contact PlayStation for a refund. [Therefore] I am requesting a...