As promised in the recent announcement, today’s Dead by Daylight update focuses on quality of life updates and improvements to existing content (as opposed to adding new content). First on their list is a Surrender Option, and today’s update gives us a bit more information on exactly how that will work. The Deep Wound status effect is seeing some changes to make it less frustrating to play against, but Legion players will be happy to hear that there are compensatory buffs in the Killer Updates for the upcoming patch.
Despite “no new content”, there is a new map coming to the Forsaken Boneyard realm — this one uses the (awesome) tileset shared with the Eyrie of Crows for a “Shack focused” map. Perhaps more importantly, the tiles in the realm are getting a pass to make navigation easier.
The Perk Updates continue, with Survivor misdirection perks seeing some real buffs. Finally, the Terror Radius of a few killers is seeing some changes: numerous Killers that currently have 32m radii are having them either increased or decreased, depending on the Killer’s playstyle. As always, check out our TL;DR below if you just want the bullet point notes, or read on to see...