Control: Ultimate Edition Gets Surprise Update

Control: Ultimate Edition Gets Surprise Update

From Game Rant (Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar) on | OpenCritic

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Remedy Entertainment has issued a surprise update for Control: Ultimate Edition that adds new content, graphical enhancements, and various bug fixes at no extra cost. Control: Ultimate Edition players on PC have already received the new update, but those on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will have to wait a little longer.

Launched in early 2021, Control: Ultimate Edition spruced up the base game on a technical level and bundled its full suite of released DLC for current-gen consoles. Control: Ultimate Edition was even offered in the February 2021 PS Plus monthly lineup, and is currently available in the PS Plus Extra games catalog. However, some content from the base game, like pre-order bonuses, digital deluxe perks, and even a PS4-exclusive mission, was precluded from Control: Ultimate Edition, up until now.

Remedy Entertainment is preparing to provide a long-awaited update for one of its upcoming games that is set to release in the coming months.

Remedy has now decided to make Control's former locked content available to Control: Ultimate Edition players via a brand-new update for all platforms, except PS4 and Xbox One. The free Control: Ultimate Edition update includes three new outfits that...

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