Dead by Daylight Patch 8.6.0 Hits Ptb With New Killer Ken Kaneki, the Ghoul

Dead by Daylight Patch 8.6.0 Hits Ptb With New Killer Ken Kaneki, the Ghoul

From EIP Gaming (Written by DanielD) on | OpenCritic

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Despite BHVR stating they were going to focus on improvements and QoL over new content, today’s Public Test Beta patch includes a new Killer, The Ghoul. The latest licensed Killer captured by the Entity, Ken Kaneki is the main character of the manga and anime Tokyo Ghoul. Fans of Tokyo Ghoul should prepare for some changes, as “Everything from his appearance to his demeanor has been affected [by the Entity]”.

Players shouldn’t take this as a sign that more new content is coming, however — it seems likely this Killer was already nearing completion when the QoL initiative was enacted. In any case, the Ghoul is a high-mobility Killer, able to use Kagune Leap to quickly gapclose on Survivors with a double leap; successfully landing a second leap will trigger a grab attack and Enraged Mode, which lets the Ghoul triple-leap with Kagune Leap. Grab attacks inflict Deep Wounds in addition to removing a health state (the Deep Wound rework now makes even more sense).

The new Killer Perks all require you to stack tokens in order to gain their full effects. The Hex totem seems like it synergizes well with the Killer’s kit (assuming the grab attack counts...

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