New Pokemon GO Quest is Easier for Rural Players to Complete

New Pokemon GO Quest is Easier for Rural Players to Complete

From Game Rant (Written by Matthew Schomer) on | OpenCritic

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One new Quest in Pokemon GO is actually easier for players living in rural areas than for city dwellers, which is a sharp contrast to how the augmented reality game usually functions. While obtaining a Shiny Meloetta through the latest set of challenges in Pokemon GO doesn't entirely favor rural players, there is one particular challenge that is causing a hang-up specifically for those in heavily populated areas.

Getting a Meloetta in Pokemon GO has been possible since 2021, when its Aria Forme was released through the Finding Your Voice Special Research tasks that were introduced during Pokemon GO Fest. However, the initial launch did not allow Meloetta to appear as a shiny Pokemon. Instead, the shiny version of Aria Forme Meloetta was only added to the game a few weeks ago as part of the Pokemon GO Tour, and players must purchase tickets to participate in Masterwork Research to unlock this legendary Pokemon's shiny form.

Pokemon GO developer Niantic is officially selling the augmented reality mobile game to Monopoly GO developer Scopely.

One particular Masterwork Research task that's been causing problems specifically for urban players is the requirement that they earn a bronze Showcase Star medal in any...

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