Fortnite is bringing back one of the oddest skins in its nearly eight-year history with the return of the "A Goat" skin. The anthropomorphic goat skin is of Pilgor, the protagonist of the popular titles Goat Simulator and Goat Simulator 3. While the free-to-play title has crossed over with nearly countless other franchises, bringing a vast majority of characters of all different art styles and designs over the years, the Pilgor skin could arguably be among some of Fortnite's weirdest-looking skins ever.
Goat Simulator 3 first crossed over with Fortnite back in the fall of 2022, where the Pilgor skin was first announced in anticipation of the yet-to-be released Goat Simulator 3 at the time. The caprine cosmetic was initially offered for free to players who pre-ordered Goat Simulator 3, with the offer standing for nearly an entire year afterward. Now, however, the GOAT of goat skins has returned to Fortnite's in-game Item Shop, along with quite the applicable Emote, "GOATed."
Fortnite players would like to see Epic Games bring back two major features they feel are missing in Chapter 6 of the popular battle royale.
In celebration of the Goat Simulator...