Valve's Gabe Newell Reveals What Game He's Been Playing Recently

Valve's Gabe Newell Reveals What Game He's Been Playing Recently

From Game Rant (Written by Dominik Bošnjak) on | OpenCritic

Games discussed:

Valve president and co-founder, Gabe Newell, revealed that he has been playing a lot of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl as of late. His shoutout to the game further underscores STALKER 2's global success.

When he's not gaming or running Valve, Gabe Newell occasionally answers fan emails. Though he's not exactly soliciting such communications, his work email address leaked online many years ago and he has never bothered changing it, instead opting to engage with fans every once in a while.

Developer GSC Game World announces an incredible new feat for FPS horror STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, celebrating a new player milestone.

In yet another apparent example of this trend, Newell recently allegedly responded to an email inquiring about what he's been playing as of late. "A bunch of STALKER 2," he wrote back on March 3, according to a screenshot of his response shared by Twitter user TheCSTimes. While the very existence of this response aligns with Newell's track record of engaging with fans, Game Rant was unable to verify the authenticity of the email.

The widely circulated message also saw Newell seemingly reveal he was close to completely beating GSC Game World's post-apocalyptic shooter as...

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