Helldivers 2 Leakers Find Mission Where You Defend The President

Helldivers 2 Leakers Find Mission Where You Defend The President

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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Helldivers 2 dataminers recently uncovered a holo table model of the Super Earth president's mansion.

According to reputable leakers IronS1ghts and BambooS1ghts, this will play a pivotal role in an upcoming defense mission where it sounds like we'll be planting our boots on home-world soil to defend the president himself.

Some fans even suggest that this could be how the Illuminate is finally introduced, by attacking Super Earth itself.

While you might assume that the president's mansion would be smack bang in the middle of a bustling metropolis, something Helldivers 2 hasn't given us yet, the original poster says otherwise; "I do not think this is tied to city maps unfortunately".

If the mansion wasn't enough proof that something about the Super Earth president was cooking behind the scenes at developer Arrowhead, we also have a portrait of the president himself.

He can be seen in uniform clearly based on the black Nazi Gestapo attire, angrily yelling into a microphone. These leakers have also uncovered a model of the uniform. Although it lacks detail, texture, and colour, it matches the portrait.

The Illuminate have long been teased, with their models, weapons, and technology slowly being...

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