According to a well-known insider, a spin-off to the Pikmin franchise is being developed by Nintendo, and it will make some unexpected changes to its gameplay. The Pikmin franchise is one of the Japanese giant's most well-regarded series, despite its relative obscurity in comparison to the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda.
Pikmin 4 was released last year to critical acclaim, and is considered one of the best games in the series, and one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch. The Pikmin series has also benefited from being on the Switch with rereleases of the first three games on the same system in the lead-up to Pikmin 4's release. With the Pikmin series enjoying this new renaissance in 2024, some fans may be wondering what will be next for the franchise. According to a reliable insider, Nintendo is currently working on a new spin-off, and it will stand out from previous entries with its new gameplay mechanics.
Every time we get a new Pikmin game, we also get a bunch of new Pikmin types introduced. From the classic Red Pikmin to the eerie, ghost-like Glow Pikmin, these creatures...