Overwatch Could Have Been 7v7 Instead of 6v6

Overwatch Could Have Been 7v7 Instead of 6v6

From Game Rant (Written by Eric Law) on | OpenCritic

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The original Overwatch almost had teams of seven players facing off against one another, rather than five or six. Though it was deemed too chaotic at the time, Overwatch could have had 7v7 as its default team composition – and revisiting these larger matches again is not entirely off the table.

Recently, Overwatch 2 content creators SVB and Flats spoke with game director Aaron Keller and lead hero designer Alec Dawson for the Group Up! podcast. Discussion on 6v6 was a major topic during the chat, as Keller had recently confirmed Overwatch 2 is planning to test the potential return of six-player teams in the sequel shooter.

Overwatch 2's PvE game mode and narrative are rumored to be canceled, but it could salvage the story by borrowing a feature from Marvel Rivals.

However, it seems the original Overwatch almost had even larger teams than it already did. During the interview, Keller revealed that early Overwatch testing fielded teams of seven against one another, rather than the six it launched with. While the feedback they got at the time said “you felt like you were being attacked from everywhere at the same time,” leading to matches...

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