A new Destiny 2 leak revealed that a Destiny 10th anniversary event is coming soon, with various free rewards to earn and "new secrets" to discover. Bungie has yet to officially unveil its 10th anniversary plans for the Destiny franchise, but the leak reveals a description of what's coming soon in Destiny 2.
Following the release of Destiny 2: The Final Shape, Bungie released the game's first Episode, Echoes, on June 11. The release of Echoes marked the beginning of a new story, told over the course of three acts with weekly story missions. The Echoes storyline sends Guardians back to Nessus alongside Osiris and Saint-14 to investigate the mysterious power source known as the Echo. Alongside the release of new story missions, Bungie continues to update the game with limited-time events and other activities. Before the Echoes story comes to a close, Bungie is expected to reveal its plans for Destiny's 10th anniversary.
Following the most recent update, one of the more popular exotic weapons in Destiny 2 received an unfortunate and accidental nerf.
Reddit user Astraliguss shared new datamined images in the Destiny 2 Leaks subreddit, revealing several details about the upcoming 10th...