Rachael Lillis, the English voice actress of Misty and Jessie in the original Pokemon anime series, has sadly passed away from breast cancer at age 46. Lillis lent her voice to countless anime titles throughout her career, with some of her most beloved roles being in Pokemon from the start of the show until the English dub cast was changed in 2006. During that time, she would serve as the voice of various human characters and Pokemon alike, but her two most famous parts were of Ash’s longtime travel companion Misty, and Team Rocket’s resident schemer Jessie.
Back in May, Rachel Lillis announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, prompting a wave of support from her Pokemon castmates and fans who grew up watching her as Misty. A GoFundMe campaign was soon launched to help pay for her treatments, with Eric Stuart, the original Pokemon English voice actor for Brock and Team Rocket member James, and Tara Jayne Sands, the voice of Bulbasaur, being among the many who helped to promote the initiative.
A talented Pokemon fan online creates a custom iPhone controller, designed to look just like the Pokedex as seen in the anime and games.