Apex Legends Players Are Running Into Major Issues Trying to Play Ranked

Apex Legends Players Are Running Into Major Issues Trying to Play Ranked

From Game Rant (Written by Kyle Knight) on | OpenCritic

Games discussed:

Apex Legends fans have been left baffled after the Season 22 Ranked split occurred after just one week, leaving players frustrated due to a sudden and unexpected rank reset. Thankfully, Respawn Entertainment is aware of the severe Apex Legends glitch and is working to rectify the mistake in a timely manner.

Season 22 of Apex Legends has already gotten off to a pretty bumpy start, with server crashes and unexpected playlist updates already leaving the community irritated with the state of things. But as a rather severe Ranked glitch now plagues the popular Battle Royale game, it looks like the season's issues continue.

Respawn's attempt to massively change Apex Legend's battle pass caused a massive uproar in the game's community, and with good reason.

While each new season of Apex Legends often includes changes to Ranked, the seasonal split is something fans have become accustomed to. Ranked split is supposed to take place at the halfway point of the season, but Apex Legends players were left confused after the split occurred just one week after Season 22 went live. This severe glitch resulted in players around the world having their Ranked level reset, but the map rotation and battle passes...

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