Resident Evil 2 Heads to GOG Later This Month

Resident Evil 2 Heads to GOG Later This Month

From Hardcore Gamer (Written by Chris Penwell) on | OpenCritic

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Resident Evil 2 is creeping its way to PC store GOG with a bunch of enhancements on August 27. It will include an improved DirectX game renderer, full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11, and rendering options, such as Windowed mode.

A Lot of Improvements for the Resident Evil 2 GOG Version

The content from the original PC release on February 19, 1999, hasn't been altered but the game has received enhancements and bug fixes with this new GOG edition. It includes the following, according to the store page:

The support for modern controllers like the DualSense and Xbox Series' controller is a fantastic way to modernize this classic title and make it playable for many years to come.

Additionally, there will be new modes available for this release. There will be hordes of zombies to take out in a challenge called the Extreme Battle Mode, which changes each time you try it. There will also be a picture gallery you can browse. You can also watch the secret scenario without having to unlock it. If you want to experience the original Japanese version, that's also an option.

The Resident Evil 2 Remake is Also Great

The whole Resident...

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