Today, 2K has revealed the details for the MyTEAM mode in NBA 2K25. MyTEAM will receive its biggest upgrade to date that will be headlined by four new game modes. These modes are called Triple Threat Park, Breakout, Showdown and King of the Court. The Auction House will also be returning to the mode. NBA 2K25 will release on September 6 for PlayStation 4|5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. The current generation of consoles and PC will be receiving the upgrades. The full Courtside Report is available here for viewing for more details on these updates.
“Across MyTEAM, we’ve made significant updates with new modes, enhanced features and the implementation of community feedback to create one of the most comprehensive card-collecting experiences on the market,” said Erick Boenisch, VP of NBA Development at Visual Concepts. “Implementing community feedback was a major focus this year. We heard 2K players loud and clear and are bringing the Auction House back by popular demand.”
More Ways to Use Your Team
The new modes for MyTEAM, the card-based mode in NBA 2K25, is a next gen recreation of the NBA 2K16...