Diablo 4's game director Brent Gibson addressed player demands to add the Paladin class to the game. This response follows player feedback on the addition of a new, unfamiliar class to Diablo 4.
Warriors wielding holy magic and wearing heavy armor are a staple of the RPG genre and were featured as the Paladin and Crusader class in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, respectively. These quickly became one of the fan-favorite classes, and players have been clamoring for their return in Diablo 4. The new class coming to Diablo 4 is Spiritborn, however, and it's like has not yet been seen in the Diablo franchise. This caused a rift in the community, between those who sing Spiritborn's praises and others who want the classic Diablo class with the newest expansion.
August 29 brings some highly anticipated news for Diablo 4 fans, as new updates are coming around the corner with Vessel of Hatred.
In a recent interview with Gamesradar+Diablo 4's game director Brent Gibson and systems designer Aislyn Hall had some comments aimed at addressing the fans who wish for the Paladin class to make a return. Brent Gibson stated that they hear the fans "loud and clear"...