Apex Legends players have discovered a Newcastle bug that nerfs his Tactical Ability, Mobile Shield. While Season 22 of Apex Legends brought new content, including a new map, it also introduced some bugs that have frustrated the player base.
Since the start of Season 22 at the beginning of August, players have encountered various issues when trying to play the game. Early on, some Apex Legends players encountered Ranked problems, preventing them from playing matches in the competitive mode. While Respawn Entertainment was able to fix this problem, fans have complained about performance issues on the new E-District map, and others have found bugs involving Legends, such as Rampart and Vantage, making their Ultimate weapons’ laser sights invisible when using the Katar Artifact.
Respawn has brought out a heap of changes for Apex Legends' 22nd season, Shockwave, which have had a big impact on the legend meta.
Unfortunately, players continue to point out bugs impacting Apex Legends, with a content creator known as Manuzz revealing a frustrating issue with Newcastle. In a Reddit post, Manuzz pointed out that the Support Legend’s Tactical Ability, Mobile Shield, had a broken upgrade. According to the content creator, one of Newcastle’s first...