The Yakuza series, now known as Like a Dragon, has already made its mark across multiple platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. However, one notable absence has been Nintendo’s handheld system, the Switch.
That changes this October, as Yakuza Kiwami is officially making its way to the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo announced this exciting news during the Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase. Switch users can finally dive into the beloved Sega title on October 24, 2024. The announcement was accompanied by a trailer, which you can check out above.
Here’s how Nintendo shared the news:
It will be interesting to see how Yakuza Kiwami performs on the Nintendo Switch, and when we can expect more titles from the series to drop on the handheld console.
Switch Release Means Yakuza On The Go
The Yakuza series has a dedicated following, incorporating serious, soap opera-like drama with a wealth of quirky side quests, minigames, and a variety of offbeat activities.
The contrast between its intense storyline and the light-hearted diversions has been a big selling point of the Yakuza experience.
Exploring the world of Yakuza, usually set within the confines of a small, detail-rich city district, should be an enjoyable experience on...