Dragon Age: The Veilguard's creative director, John Epler, has shared the thought process behind Morrigan's redesign. This comes after the latest trailer for the game revealed that the fan-favourite mage is coming back, albeit looking quite different than when we last saw her.
In his answer, Epler also confirms that Morrigan is wearing a "variation" of Flemeth's crown, whereas many fans suspected it was the exact same crown. With this in mind, it might disprove the theory that this version of the character is actually Flemeth (or more accurately, the spirit of Mythal), possessing Morrigan's body.
"Anytime we're bringing back a character, we want to think about what's changed for that character in the time since you last saw them," says Epler, speaking in a Q&A that took place in the BioWare Discord yesterday. "It's been almost 10 years. What's changed for these characters in that intervening time?
"In the case of Morrigan, she's coming to terms with a lot of truths about both herself, but also her mother," he continues. "We see her with Flemeth's crown, or a variation of it, and that's speaking to her personal journey of what I would call acceptance of who she is,...