A Stardew Valley player who has been enjoying the game with their 76-year-old mother recently shared some heartwarming bonding moments between the two of them and a view of their farm after five in-game years. While the progress the mother has made is well behind what a lot of Stardew Valley players would expect by that point, fans seem enamored with their approach to the game.
Although console players haven't got their hands on it yet, Stardew Valley Update 1.6 brought a lot of PC players back to the cozy farm game in March, and the indie game from solo developer ConcernedApe attracted a big following long before that. With its intentionally simplistic presentation and easy-to-learn controls, it's a cozy game that can be picked up and played by players of all ages.
A Stardew Valley player stumbles upon a fun way to use torches, giving a prettier option for lighting up farms and Pelican Town at night.
As shared by Reddit user doorkeytv, their mother's farm is relatively bare, with the house and a small coop as the only Stardew Valley buildings on the property, aside from the greenhouse, which hasn't been completed yet....