Somewhere in space is a planet that's orbiting its star in the goldilocks zone but is otherwise fairly useless. The frozen ball of dirt and ice has decent resources just waiting for an industrious explorer to pluck off its surface, but the complete lack of anything resembling a survivable environment means it's more trouble than it's worth to harvest them. Why deal with all the problems of a planet's gravity well when asteroids valued in the quintillions of dollars can be found floating around an asteroid field? Even so, if the expenses are low enough it might be worth throwing a few people at the planet to see what they can do with the place, because a little care and nurturing may be all it needs to blossom into something far more valueable than a pile of rocks and metal- a life-supporting planet.
This Planet Right Here's What You Might Call a Fixer-Upper
The Planet Crafter launched this year after a good stretch of time in Early Access, and it's done very well for itself by breaking the one million sales mark. Starting off on a frozen airless world, you harvest minerals to create machines that raise the...