Final Fantasy 14 Director Is Teasing Another Final Fantasy 16 Crossover

Final Fantasy 14 Director Is Teasing Another Final Fantasy 16 Crossover

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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Final Fantasy 14 has had plenty of crossovers in the past, ranging from the likes of Yo-Kai Watch, Nier Automata, and Monster Hunter, to other titles in the series like Final Fantasy 13 and 15. One of the more recent crossovers saw Clive from Final Fantasy 16 stranded in Eorzea, which had players engage in a single-player duty against Ifrit to earn an incredible Torgal mount and Clive's threads.

The Scions have grown too powerful, it's time for Final Fantasy 14 to take them down a peg or two.

It was a pretty popular crossover at the time, mostly because people could take questionable gposes with one of Final Fantasy's hunkiest main characters. However, it was slightly marred by the fact that Final Fantasy 16 couldn't actually be played by a large portion of Final Fantasy 14 players due to the game's PlayStation exclusivity.

With Final Fantasy 16 finally coming to PC this month, Final Fantasy 14 director Naoki Yoshida (affectionately referred to as Yoshi-P) was recently asked whether a second crossover would be possible to celebrate the release. In typical Yoshi-P fashion, he says via a translator that he'll take the idea back to Final Fantasy 16's...

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