The first time players took control of Miles Edgeworth in his own adventure was all the way back in 2010 for North America, but it wouldn't be until this year that players got the announcement that not only was the first title returning, but we were also getting the second entry officially localized for the first time. Take control of Edgeworth and join him along with returning detective Gumshoe and newcomer ally Kay as they set out to uncover crimes before they even step foot into a courtroom.
Not only does Ace Attorney Investigations Collection offer both titles, but also upgraded visuals and even a remastered soundtrack for players to listen to. The visuals can be quickly swapped between the main menu, letting players easily choose if they want the new clean sprites or the originals seen in the DS release of these titles. The graphics even lovingly changes the background so while it may be a little crunchier looking in full HD, it has a charm that just can't be beat.
Edgeworth prefers to be realistic, but finds himself often involved in nonsense
The Investigations titles take place in the midst of the third and fourth Ace Attorney titles,...