PlayStation Fans Are Furious Over The PS5 Pro's Price

PlayStation Fans Are Furious Over The PS5 Pro's Price

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

PlayStation finally lifted the lid on the open secret that is the PS5 Pro earlier today, giving us a first proper look at the console and a rundown of what it's capable of. It certainly seems like an impressive (albeit pretty pointless) piece of tech, and a lot of people were poised before its announcement for a whopping hit to the wallet. However, PlayStation has undoubtedly dropped the ball.

Right at the end of the PS5 Pro's announcement stream, it was revealed that the PS5 Pro will set you back an astonishing $700/£700m, a price that is now being mocked relentlessly on social media by angry PlayStation fans. Almost every single discussion you can find about the PS5 Pro is filled with players baffled as to how PlaySttion thinks it can get away with a pricey next-gen refresh despite having barely any games that will take advantage of it.

This post by Reddit user Turbostrider27 (which you can find embedded above) on the PS5 subreddit is one prime example, racking up almost 10,000 comments at the time of writing, most of them extremely negative.

People like user JackAndrewThorne bemoan the lack...

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