In the time since Dragon Ball Super's anime went off the air in early 2018 following the end of the popular Tournament of Power Saga, the manga continued on strongly before Akira Toriyama's untimely death. Those arcs, which have yet to be adapted into an anime, introduced several new characters into the world of Dragon Ball, as well as multiple new forms.
That said, with Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero'sOctober launch month rapidly approaching, many fans have been wondering if any of those characters, forms or storylines could make their way into the game via future DLC. After all, the game does have a confirmed season pass that will bring Super Hero and Daima characters into the game.
I didn’t think Sparking Zero could get more exciting, but the addition of GT and Movie characters has done it.
However, as part of an interview with IGN, Jun Furutani, the game's producer, revealed whether that will be the case. The short answer? No.
"At this point, the short answer is, it's difficult for him to talk about...