During the 2024 Tokyo Game Show, Final Fantasy producer and director Naoki Yoshida said the franchise is collaborating with its creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi, to bring more music to Fantasian Neo Dimension. Select Final Fantasy battle themes from titles including Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster and Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail will be playable in Fantasian Neo Dimension.
Following Sakaguchi's departure from Square Enix in 2004, he formed an independent studio based in Honolulu dubbed Mistwalker and released Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey on the Xbox 360. Following that, Mistwalker focused on developing games like Terra Battle for mobile platforms. Fantasian was originally released in two parts throughout 2021 on the Apple Arcade subscription service for iOS devices. Fantasian's turn-based battle system included a Trajectory mechanic that could turn the tide of a fight. Three years later, Mistwalker announced a partnership with Square Enix's Creative Studio 3 to bring Fantasian to multiple platforms, with the subtitle Neo Dimension added to separate the upcoming port from the original release.
Square Enix releases the Complete Edition of Final Fantasy 16 on PlayStation 5 following the title's launch on Steam and the Epic Games Store.
Although Sakaguchi once resolved not to work with Square Enix...