Stardew Valley Players Are Somehow Getting Two Chickens From One Void Egg

Stardew Valley Players Are Somehow Getting Two Chickens From One Void Egg

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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Stardew Valley developer Eric Barone (better known as Concerned Ape) has been tinkering with the game for so long that you'd assume that every single possible problem that could arise while playing had been snuffed out ages ago. He's put his next game, Haunted Chocolatier, on pause so many times that I've lost count, and he's even stated that he could see himself working on the game forever.

However, even the most diligent of developers can let one or two bugs slip through the cracks, though Stardew Valley players will be hoping that a very rare one that seemingly affects Void Eggs will go unnoticed for now. In a new post on the Stardew Valley subreddit by user Nosleepanymoreuwu, they claim to have hatched two chickens from a single Void Egg.

In the post, the player explains that after they placed their Void Egg in an incubator and then came back when it was ready to hatch, everything happened as expected. The cutscene popped up that allowed them to name their chicken Crasher (fantastic name for a chicken by the way), and upon exiting the naming screen, they found that two little Crashers were running around their feet.

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