Iron Gate and Coffee Stain have released a new Valheim update on the game's public test realm, and it brings a new trader, a major new game mechanic, and more. Be aware that we'll be spoiling some of what's included in this update, so read on at your peril!
The update is currently available to try out in Valheim's beta, and its first major addition is the titular Bog Witch, a new trader who has new goods for you to buy. She can be found in the Swamps, and she'll sell you ingredients and materials for brewing potions.
She's also got things that will be useful for the update's new Feast mechanic, which lets you cook large meals you can share amongst several players.
Three new skills are being introduced in this update: Cooking, Farming, and Crafting.
Cooking reduces food crafting time and gives you the chance to gain another food while crafting. Farming reduces Cultivator stamina cost and increases farming item durability, while Crafting reduces item crafting time and boosts crafting item durability. It's all pretty simple stuff.
You'll also find lots of new crafting materials and potions to try out, as well as some new emotes to help...