Original Nintendo Switch Teaser Wasn’t Popular With The Company

Original Nintendo Switch Teaser Wasn’t Popular With The Company

From The Outerhaven Productions (Written by Todd Black) on | OpenCritic

It’s been a LONG time since the arrival of the Nintendo Switch. In fact, we’re almost eight years away from when it was first unveiled by The Big N. They did a trailer first, and then did a showing with Jimmy Fallon before doing a full unveiling during a January event in 2017, where it got dated, priced, and showed off numerous games. While you might remember the last two, some of you may have forgotten that Mario himself helped “welcome” the system in the first place via a unique Twitter tease that many within Nintendo don’t look fondly on.

The tweet, which you can see here, is simple in nature, but when you hear it from the perspectives of Kit & Krysta, former Nintendo employees, you’ll hear a different story. Apparently, that picture wasn’t liked internally due to its nature, potential hints at what the Switch was to be, and the fact that they had to create the asset from scratch since they didn’t have anything prepped for the trailer reveal. Then, when it became a meme due to how it looked, Nintendo hated it even more!

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See full article at The Outehaven