The ultraviolent gore-filled Terrifier franchise has reached new heights of popularity with the success of Terrifier 3, which debuted as the Number 1 movie in the United States. Capitalizing on the sudden interest in the franchise, independent studio Relevo is bringing Terrifier: The ARTcade Game to console and PC early next year. You'll get to play as Art the Clown in the side-scrolling beat'em up, with the horrifying practical special effects of the films replaced with bright and colorful 16-bit influenced pixels.
For three movies, Terrifier has had audiences following the silent Art the Clown, an immediately iconic horror villain, as he kills everyone that crosses his path simply because he can. The second film had an infamous marketing campaign about audiences fleeing theaters in terror before the film finishes, and to this day, horror fans whisper in awe about "the bedroom kill." By comparison, Terrifier: The ARTcade Game looks to show a different side of the franchise, with less horror but keeping the copious amounts of blood. If the introductory animated sequence is anything to go by, the game will also include flying limbs and mangled bodies that have become Art the Clown's signature.