Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster players have discovered an interesting way to get out of bounds into the town of Willamette itself. You can't escape and win the game early since the national guard still have the exits sealed off (i.e. the road leads to a bottomless void), but you can still do a sick handstand flip in the subburbs.
Pulling this off is pretty simple. You need to get a bicycle onto the roof by the entrance to the safehouse, move it next to the chainlink fence by the elevator, roll back into the dumpster, and then climb on and off until Frank is hurled over the barrier into the car park in front of the mall.
The zombies here can be killed, but since you're not supposed to interact with them, you'll phase right through them and they can't fight back. But hey, at least you can snap some pics, otherwise the town is completely barren and looks worse than most PS1 games.
That's because you're never meant to get this up close and personal. Models are missing, textures are flat, and the grass is a haze of vague green swirls. However, the ground still has collission, so...